About us

The most important things about us first.
We are there for you when you need touch user interfaces.
Fast, uncomplicated, competent and cost-effective.
Then you have come to the right place.
Philipp Weissel

Hello, my name is Philipp Weissel.
I am the CEO of weissel electric use GmbH.
We make plastic electronic.
As a small company, we deliberately focus on a very narrow niche.
Touch user interfaces.
This is where our expertise lies.
We use the latest technologies and processes for the development and manufacturing of touch user interfaces.
Modern and forward-looking.
This makes our solutions unique.
Our touch user interfaces are thin laminates made of various materials.
Mainly plastics.
Hence the name plastic electronic.
We have been making plastic electronic touch user interfaces for many years.
The processes in development and production have been tried and tested umpteen times.
Just like our strong partner network.
At our location in Linz, we operate a manufactory where the individual components are assembled.
Specialized in prototypes and small series.
Our roots in plastic electronic GmbH
There are times when events and circumstances condense into a unique opportunity.
World leading scientists meet experienced entrepreneurs, gain strong partners, outstanding employees and prudent and responsible financiers for their idea.
This is what happened in 2006.
The foundation of plastic electronic GmbH.
plastic electronic GmbH was founded as a spin-off of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz.
The Institute for Physical Chemistry and Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells as well as the Institute for Integrated Circuits were significantly involved.
Niyazi Serdar Sarıçiftçi

o.Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. DDr. h.c. Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci was the scientific master-mind of plastic electronic GmbH.
He is a world leading scientist in the field of electrically conductive plastic structures.
For many years, he conducted research together with Nobel Prize winner Alan J. Heeger at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and then established the Institute for Organic Solar Cells at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.
Excellently networked in the international technology scene, plastic electronic GmbH was, among other things, a founding member of the OE-A (Organic Electronics Association) in Frankfurt / Germany, the Smart Plastics initiative in Upper Austria and was a member of the “Systems in Foil” research program at the HOLST Centre in Eindhoven / Netherlands.
Numerous patent specifications document impressively the work of more than 10 years at plastic electronic GmbH.
Get in contact with us
We would be pleased to receive your inquiries about touch user interfaces.